Back to School

Karlo Tasler
3 min readMar 13, 2021
Students of London Academy of Excellence Tottenham. Photo: Karlo Tasler

Schools in the United Kingdom were opened this week as step one of the roadmap out of the third national lockdown. The Government wants to believe the decision is invariable, meaning schools will not get closed again! But the main question is — has children’s mental health been invariably ruined after a year of not hanging out with their mates.

I don’t think so. They will get wiser out of the pandemic. We all will! We just might not be aware of it yet. However, there is a big question upon us at the moment. How much deeper can we go before we rise? There will soon be a great war between extreme vaxxers and extreme anti-vaxxers. Both sides are ready on everything, so we can’t know what will happen there. Apart from that, we should be fine!

Nevertheless, kids should not interfere in that. There is immense responsibility on them at the moment, and they should mind their own business. As we are aware, more than ever, humanity depends on the next generation.

There is a big social gap between different areas of London. This week I spent one day in Hampstead, moneywise one of the richest areas in London, where I saw, as Ricky Gervais would say, little Hampstead cunts enjoying their first days of school.

Little Hampstead Cunts. Photo: Karlo Tasler

Another day I spent in Tottenham, moneywise one of the poorest areas in London. It was very different and not fun at all. A 19-year-old Nikolay was stabbed to death on the first day of school, so on Thursday his friends and family gathered next to the White Hart Lane station where they paid tribute to him.

Nikolay’s friends paying tribute to him in Tottenham. Photo: Karlo Tasler

As far as I am concerned, there are two ways the future of humanity can play out.

1) Kids would keep sleeping and destroy this planet. However, children with smartphones are way too smart, so in the scenario where they keep destroying each other, before they finally manage to defeat the planet, they would have found sustainable life on Mars or somewhere else. From there, they would keep fighting other species, polluting, having wars with viruses and so on. On the way there, the social gap between Hampstead kids and Tottenham kids would get even bigger. Probably Tottenham kids wouldn’t even travel on Mars and would be left behind on dying Earth.

2) Kids would awake and give a chance to this planet to fully recover. They would live in love and harmony with nature. They would embrace, forgive and share. Abundance! Eventually, there would be a chance for classless society to emerge, as I explained to Karl Marx. Hampstead kids and Tottenham kids would become equal.

In any case, the human race will survive, and it is kind of important those kids are back in school.



Karlo Tasler

Explaining the complexity of life and its various perspectives through the beautiful game of football. Or rather the tragic game of football, so to speak.